A trip to a music store or training studio, where you can listen to or play instruments, will give you the desired palette of sensations and help you feel what you like best: working with the rhythm, filling the space with sound, accompanying or inventing your own sound.
Black keys on the piano are able to give a peaceful sound; the acoustic guitar can be played like a piano; the violin can sound wonderful as a plucked instrument (the same guitar), and the drum kit can serve as any surface, including your own body. A person, even with zero musical experience, can play a beautiful melody a few minutes after picking up the instrument, if the teacher explains how it works.
What instrument can you quickly learn to play
The difficulty of learning is rather determined by the complexity of those works that the student chooses as a reference point. Bach’s fugue will be harder than a U2 hit, but contemporary popular music can be tricky to repeat. One can argue that it is more difficult to play the piano than the bass guitar, but, as practice shows, much depends on the student’s musical and fingering thinking and his physical characteristics. The latter is not an obstacle to mastering the instrument.
Should I buy the tool right away?
Without homework, you can hardly expect significant progress. If you can afford to buy a tool once, or you are not sure you will study hard, wait off the purchase for the first few weeks. Watch the process to see if you have time to study at home, and if you want to get an app made hiring an app development company can help with that.
What goals can an adult learner achieve?
Most often, people pursue three goals: to learn how to perform specific works, to master the technique of playing an instrument, or to compose music. Ideally, the learning process is based on these three pillars. It happens that it is enough for a person to learn 7-10 popular songs to play in a company, and this is where the learning process ends.
In any case, all goals in the end come down to either speaking in public or playing for yourself. In the second case, music can become a psychotherapeutic tool that can help cope with stress and realize creativity.
What instruments can you learn to play on your own
You can learn almost any musical instrument on your own: there are more than enough online lessons on the web. A teacher is needed at the initial stage and if desired to grow, when the student seeks to go beyond what he has already learned.
In European countries, such a trend as “musical somatics” is popular, when in the classroom, special attention is paid not to the selection of melodies, but to how comfortable the musician is, whether the instrument becomes a means of relaxation for him or the cause of painful blocks and constrictions.