Unexpected Benefits of Learning to Play Musical Instrument

Learning how to properly use your camping equipment and gears from yourcamperlife.com is nothing different from learning how to play a musical instrument. You need to know the basics of the gear you are using and then fine-tune your skills to using it. Of course with a music instrument though, it is a bit different as you need eye and hand coordination to make it work.

Even so, studying how to play a particular musical instrument benefits you in more ways than one. Some of it may even be surprising and come totally unexpected.


Music and Math are Intertwined


Believe it or not, understanding and analyzing scales, rhythm and beats, it helps you to be better in dividing, creating fractions and quickly recognize patterns. It seems as if that music is connected to our brain and helping us understand better of math. This is as per the research performed by Lynn Kleiner, the founder of Music Rhapsody in Redondo Beach, California.


Developing Physical skills


It is kind of hard to believe that you can improve your physical skills by just playing music right? Turns out that it does. For instance, there are some instruments, like percussions that help people to develop their motor and coordination skills. They are requiring movement of the arms, feet and hand to work in harmony.


This kind of instrument is perfect for highly energetic adults and kids as well according to Kristen Regester, Early Childhood Program Manager at Sherwood Community Music School at Columbia College Chicago.


Keyboard and string instruments similar to piano and violin is demanding various actions from your left and right hands simultaneously. It is as if you’re rubbing your belly and patting your head. Try how you’d do that. Instruments not just help in developing ambidexterity but also, they encourage people to be more comfortable even in uncomfortable positions.


Cultivating Social Skills


Group classes are requiring communication and interaction among everyone else in the room. This then encourages teamwork as people ought to collaborate in order to create accelerando or crescendo. If someone plays too fast or too loud, then they have to adjust to be synchronous with the group.

Our Emotional Responses to Music Explained

Among the vital issues in music psychology is to how music will impact emotional experience of a person. Believe it or not, music has this special ability of evoking powerful and strong emotional responses similar to thrills and chills in its listeners; almost the same thing when using this crossbow when having target practice.

Positive Emotions are Dominating Musical Experiences

Pleasurable music might help in releasing neurotransmitters that are oftentimes linked with rewards similar to dopamine. Listening to music is actually a simple way of altering moods or relieving stress. People are using music in their lives to be able to enhance, diminish and regulate negative emotional feelings they have like fatigue and stress.

The question here is, how is it possible that listening to music can produce pleasures and emotions among listeners?

Musical Pleasure

The enjoyment and happiness of music seem to involve the same pleasure part of the brain as well as with other kinds of pleasure like drugs, sex and food. According to research, it shows that aesthetic stimulus similar to music can hit the brain’s dopamine system naturally.

In a different study, participants have listened to their favorite songs after they take naltrexone. This is prescribed often by physicians to treat addition disorders. Researchers discovered that when subjects took the drug, they responded that the songs they used to listen no longer bring pleasure. On the other hand, not everyone have the same emotional reaction to music. This is because about 5 percent of population doesn’t experience chills. Such incapacity of deriving pleasure particularly from music is referred to us musical anhedonia.

Musical Anticipation

Music can be a pleasurable experience both when it violations and fulfills expectation. The more unpredictable the events are in music, the more awestruck the person will have in their musical experience. This is because of the reason that we are more appreciative of music that’s a bit more complex and less predictable.

Action Tendency

Oftentimes, music can create a strong action tendency to be able to move in coordination with the beat it has. Our internal rhythms similar to heartbeat either slow down or speed up to be one with the music we are listening to.

Why Buying Musical Instrument from Land-Based Music Stores are still the Best?

The dawn of fast internet revolutionized shopping into a whole new experience than what it was in the past. Decades back, we have to travel from our house to the store or mall and back just to get what we need to buy. In fact, even when searching for a service provider like cheap removalists, you have to scour through town to find someone that fits your needs.

These days, all those old practices are almost gone. Searching for literally anything can be done over the web using your computers or even your smartphone. In some areas, you may also have your groceries be delivered in your front door with just few clicks from your mouse. Now, try to top that for convenience!

On the other hand, convenience eliminates vital aspects that are part of the shopping experience. This is felt deeper when buying musical equipment or any instruments. Because no matter how convenient and comfortable online shopping can bring, it should still be in your best interest to directly visit the music store instead of browsing the pieces online.

Besides, when you opt to browse from a brick-and-mortar store, you are bound to enjoy many benefits like the following:

See the Stuff in Person

Among the most helpful and at the same time, best aspects of personally hitting the music store is that you can interact with the staffs. In most cases, the people working in the store are so knowledgeable and experienced in their field.

These people are passionate about the products they are selling and if the store sells one product or instrument in particular like drums or pianos, it is an indication that their knowledge as well as experience is narrowed in those products.

You’re in Good Hands

More often than not, the people working in music stores are musicians too in one way or the other whether a retired professional, a casual songwriter or somewhere in between. Numerous stores are even offering lessons in the musical instruments that they are selling, so you can really make the most out of your visit.

Guidance for First Time Buyers

Music store staffs will be guiding you in every step of the way to ensure that you are going to have the best purchase for your hard earned money.

Music and Your Homework

People’s thinking capabilities and preferences definitely differ from person to person. Aligned with this, people and how effective music is to them is not always the same. Some people prefer to listen to music in everything they do to make them more productive and hyped up, while others prefer the peace and quiet to let them think more and work more. Students and their atmosphere that is composed of a lot of things, the music, its cleanliness that can be provided by Your Smart Home Guide, is to be considered and learned through years, so that they may know which are good for them or not.

The Magic of Music

For people who agree, music helps you focus. Music definitely sets a mood, either you want that gym mood which comes from upbeat music or that evening mood which can come from relaxed and soul-filled ones. Researches already proved that music and its components have very positive effects on the brain that makes it produce more of our happy hormones which leads to productivity and heightened alertness on work or studying.

With improving the state of the brain and being able to contribute to happy hormone production, music is a direct ingredient to healing the body. Activating parts of the brain that are inline with neurological processes makes the body heal faster. Also, a healthy mind is the strongest point for a healthy body. As a student, it is very important to make sure that health is a priority since to be productive and active at school, health should not be taken for granted.

Music is medicine for the mind, and as proven as it is, it is still better to find out if it works for you or not. Homeworks, are tasks that are need of focus and almost interest, and it can be very helpful to have music as a companion to make the cliche burden of homework lighter and more on the fun side.

Harmony Glasses

Perhaps, a good wine tasting experience from your memory was a scenario of you and your friends, mingling in a couch, or better yet a fancy restaurant, while you all listen to a man playing the violin and all of you sipping from tall wine glasses. Fancy and deliberately the cliche wine experience.  Another person’s good wine experience was maybe about him and nice wine glasses but without the wine. How? Serving, wine glasses are also accompanied by the music culture at their tips. From videos to reality, wine glasses actually served as pioneer materials to creating rhythms, symphony, and altogether, music.

Glass Friction and Vibrations

Since the middle ages, glasses, in general, have been used as serving stones to create different melodies. Before, a glass harp was actually made out of several wine glasses that are packed together and used as how a modern harp is used. The question is how are glasses able to produce tunes and why aren’t used now in the modern era? Glasses need friction to work and produce varieties of signals. Rubbing a moist finger around a glass creates a so-called resistance which scientifically is pure friction. Together with different levels of water inside the best durable wine glasses, heightened or lowered friction are then produced. With this concept, using different glasses with different levels of water can be played to produce complete harmony.

Rubbing the ends of the glass transmits vibrations that are similar to the concept of guitars, and how that instrument is able to produce music. These vibrations that are now caused by friction can be heightened, lowered, narrowed and widened, all through water content which neutralizes vibrations and frictions. These type of music production in the middle age plays a very vital role in what the music industry has now. Through these concepts were developed that led and catered to the idea on how guitars work, the modern harp, harmonica, and all other instruments that mainly use friction and vibrations as the method of harmony production.

Science of musical glasses’ manipulation

Starting a Guitar Store

Girl, Guitar, Summer, Melody, Musical, Music

There are a lot of different ways how music lovers express their interest on music. There are those who just listen to music, play musical instruments, and lastly those who sell musical instruments. If you are the type of person who loves music so much to the point where you want to open your own store, luckily there are many ways. You can sell instruments online without the hassle of delivering the package to you first before it reaches the customer. This can be done through drop shipping and you can learn more about it in HustleLife. You may also want to open up a new store and slowly extend it when it is already successful.

For this article, the steps in opening up a store specifically a guitar store will be discussed.

Starting a guitar store is quite different from any other small business. However, due to so many competitor it is quite hard to earn money which is why you must study your competitors very hard and offer what they cannot.  Don’t limit yourself to retail music stores, since consignment shops, electronics outlets and pawnbrokers represent equally fierce competition for local dollars. If your area supports several stores, you’ll have to think hard about what makes yours distinctive enough to succeed.

You should also write a business plan that will highlight the thing that will make your store extra special and what customers can expect. If you do not want to start yet because you do not have enough money, you can consult your local banker to determine the loan for you start a new business. Since you are just a beginner, it is better to start with small loans first so that you can repay it quickly. Through time, you will establish a track record that will help secure the revolving credit lines you will need to survive the inevitable ups and downs of every business.

Keep customer service in mind when designing your new store. Put “big ticket” items upfront, where customers are more likely to see them. Lessen the risk of employee theft and burglaries through strict security methods. Keep cash registers in a conspicuous spot, preferably upfront, and invest in an alarm system. You won’t stop every loss, but investing in security system is priority.

The Mysterious Connection between Music and Foods

Music has an impact in how we eat our foods. Fact is, there are countless factors that are influencing the way we eat. There are these internal factors similar to hormones and our mood, external factors such as watching TV, playing games or doing at-home works.

It seems to be that music is additionally among the external factors that are changing the way we eat. There have been a number of studies showing that listening to music while eating some of superfoods list or regular food and drinks increases. Not only that, music can make our lunch time go longer.

Above everything else, the rhythm influences the rhythm of how we chew our foods. So depending on the tempo of music we are listening to, we may eat faster or slower than usual.

Music Changes the Taste of Foods too

In general, people think that they are judging their foods based on their four senses which are

  1. Taste
  2. Smell
  3. View and;
  4. Touch

But what is frequently overlooked is the sense of hearing. In reality, chips do taste better when it’s crispy. When that crispiness sound has changed, our view to the food’s taste changes too. It is fairly easy to understand that music has a major impact on how we see a dish.

Basically, food and music goes hand in hand.

Music is creating energy, it is creating this atmosphere that embodies the flavor and taste of food we eat.

Good food may become extraordinary if partnered with the right music. This is because music makes everything we are eating a lot better. This is the same reason why successful restaurants have always been playing good music on top of their sumptuous menu.

Music Creates Emotional Links

Music has another remarkable feature to which numerous restaurants are benefiting from and this exists in the positive connection between the fact that a person’s affection for the place and their likes on the music being played.

What this mean is, the more a person likes the music they’re hearing, the more they are likely to love that place. At the same time, restaurants with awesome playlists have better chances of creating loyal customers as diners are associating good music with the restaurant’s quality.
