What is it about Music that Attracts People to it?

Everyone loves music – that universal language that connects all of us. Music triggers emotions, stirs thoughts and imagination and evokes memories. This is the same reason why when someone makes an RPG game, music is carefully crafted to make the most impact on it. It is one of the most powerful ways to connect with other people and share experiences. The ability of music to affect us, lure us in and inspire us has made it a common thread running through human cultures for thousands of years.

Many researchers have tried to unravel the underlying reasons why we respond so strongly to music. Perhaps our brains instinctively seek patterns as a way of enhancing our survival? Perhaps certain sounds trigger such an emotional response in us that they penetrate every part of our being? Whatever the answers are, there is no denying that music has the potential to bring people together—and not just in a superficial way either!

How to Create Emotional Music?

There are no specific rules or techniques that can be used to create emotional music. So what can be used as a guide?

Start with a clear objective: What do you want the music to evoke in your listeners? Taste, culture, mood, feeling?

Decide on an approach: What type of music are you going for? Jazz? Pop? Rock? Do you want to create something for work? Something for a party? For a wedding? For an event? For an advertisement?

Find a perfect match: Find a song that perfectly fits the objective and the approach. For example, if you want to create music for a wedding, find a song that perfectly fits the culture and taste of the couple.

How Music can help Build Employee Morale?

Employees who feel supported and appreciated are more likely to perform well. They are also less likely to leave their job and more likely to stay if they were given bad news. Positive emotions always translate to positive actions!

This is beneficial to the employer because the employee is more likely to stay on board. It is beneficial to the employee because they are more likely to maintain a positive emotional state while on the job.
