Children of all ages communicate themselves by using music. Even young babies bounce and move their hands with music. Many toddlers invent songs while playing and sing without awareness. Elementary school students learn to sing together and may learn to play musical instruments. Older kids dance to the music of their favorite band, use music to build friendships and share emotions. Try these activities and games with your child to experience the fun and learning of music. For educational movies that can involve your child, you can log into American Netflix.
Babies and music: Babies are aware of the melody of songs long before they understand words. Quiet background music calms the baby, especially during sleep. Loud background concerts stimulate babies by raising the sound level of the room. Sing simple and short songs for babies. When performing these activities, please play a line or two to bathe, change clothes or eat. Find more music learning activities for young children.
Child Activities That Involve Music
A special Kindergarten uses a variety of English and Spanish instruments and songs to participate in music events. Visit the Wellesley Parenting Website in Massachusetts.
Toddlers and music: Toddlers like to dance and they like music. The key to baby music is repetition, which encourages words and memory. Stupid songs make the baby laugh. Try to sing a familiar song and replace the correct one with a stupid word, such as “Mary has a little spider” instead of a sheep. Reproduce the rhythm by tapping or tapping on your child.
Preschoolers and music: Preschoolers love singing, they just sing. They do not understand their abilities and want to express their opinions most. They love tunes with repeated words and melody, use very clear tempos and request the child to do something. Preschoolers love songs about children’s songs, toys, animals, games, people and other familiar things. Children also love finger games and nonsense rhythms with or without music.
School-age children and music: Most school-age children are interested in their songs, which count, spell, and remember a series of events. School-age children begin to express their preferences and disapprovals of different types of music. Interested in music education, including music lessons for children.
Teens and Music: Teens can use their musical experience to build friendships and distinguish them from parents and young children. They often want to listen to music with friends after school. Do you remember the seller and the garage band at the time? Teenagers are usually interested in taking music lessons and band performances.
There is no harm in joining music with kids through fun activities. From the moment you are born, you can enjoy the benefits of music. A large dose of Mozart does not improve brainpower, but it is comfortable and beautiful. From pure listening pleasure to quiet sounds and rhythmic harmony to learning new languages and social skills, music can inspire and enrich the lives of children and their caregivers.